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April 10, 2014

Old Time Radio Magazines

Vintage OTR Magazines

Broadcast Weekly (05)

CBC Times (74)

CBC Program Schedule (75)

General Foods Broadcaster (7)

KMA Guide (07)

Microphone, The (26)

Movie-Radio Guide (82)

National Radio News (23)

News Digest (02)

Radio Album (09)

Radio Annuals (23)

Radio Dial (14)

Radio Digest (67)

Radio Doings (27)

Radio Guide (318)

Radio Index (9)

Radio Land (13)

Radio Life (9)

Radio Log (1)

Radio Mirror (52)

Radio News (01)

Radio Parade (01)

Radio Row (01)

Radio Lore (4)

Radio Stars (31)

Radio Station WLS (7)

Radio And TV Mirror (20)

Radio Varieties (8)

Radios Best (5)

Sponsor (122)

Stand By (04)

Tune In (49)

TV Radio Mirror (06)

Tower Radio (05)

Western Canada Radio News (01)

Whats On The Air (02)

WIBW Roundup (01)

WLS (36)

WQXR Radio Programs (03)

OTR Club Magazines

Air Check (69)

Airwaves (20)

Collectors Corner (37)

Currents (04)

Epilogue (3)

Hello Again (218)

Illustrated Press (371)

Jot 'Em Down Journal (80)

Memories (27)

Miscellaneous (55)

NARA News (41)

National Radio Trader (6)

Nostalgia Digest (129)

Nostalgia News (32)

Nostalgia Newsletter (85)

NOTRE News (9)

On The Air (13)

OTR Digest (104)

OTR Fan (1)

Radio Currents (3)

Radio Dial (7)

Radio Historian (1)

Radio Nostalgia (4)

Radio Premium Collectors
     Newsletter (2)

Remember Radio (2)

Return With Us Now (194)

RLL On The Air (2)

Sperdvac Radiogram (96)

Stand By...On The Air   (1)

Stay Tuned (12)

The Great Radio Shows (7)

Tune In Yesterday (8)

Wavelengths (1)

Magazines Containing
OTR Information

Past Times (11)


History of Old Time Radio Magazines

    Publication of old time radio magazines is as old as the hobby itself. Fans wanted a way to connect with each other in those pre-computer days, and fanzines were the best way.  They utilized various methods of print, some few commercial, but most were mimeographed, with one or two being typewritten!!  Circulation was always small, generally under 100 copies, but Radio Dial reported in 1970 their subscription list was nearly 600.

    Those early days gave birth to many publications, of which it's believed that 'Radio Dial' published by The Radio Historical Society of America(now defunct), was the first.  RHSA was organized in 1959.

    Many other clubs arose to serve the needs of collectors - SPERDVAC, NARA(now defunct), Radio Enthusiasts of Puget Sound, Radio Preservation Club, Radio Historical Association of Colorado, Old Time Radio Club of Buffalo, Metro Washington Old Time Radio Club, Golden Radio Buffs of MD, Inc, and the Chattanooga Old Time Radio Club. Each published a magazine especially for their members.

    There were many independent publications as well -  Airwaves, OTRAGAN, Collectors Corner, The National Radio Trader, World of Yesterday, BRC News And Reviews, Nostalgia Radio News, No Static Please, Stay Tuned, Radiola, Epilogue, Radio Premiums Collectors Newsletter,  Nostalgia Newsletter, Radio Historian, Stand By..On The Air, Radio Nostalgia, OTR Digest, and perhaps many more. They were all filled with stories about otr, pictures of conventions, and featured many collectors who are no longer with us. Some of those early fans are still active today carrying on a tradition established nearly 50 years ago. Most of those publications, excepting the club magazines and OTR Digest no longer exist.

    It is the goal of the Old Time Radio Researchers Group to attempt to locate, scan and preserve as many of these great publications as possible. They constitute a vital part of our history, and far too many issues have yellowed, faded, or been thrown away.  Additionally, many languish in the files of collectors who have no wish to share them with the community at large, and others are to be found in only in museum collections.

    We invite the various otr clubs to make back issues available via pdf files so that they can be included in this publication archive. Individuals who have copies of these, as well as any other otr or nostalgia magazine are encouraged to submit them for archiving also. All contributors will be acknowledged as patrons of the 'Old Time Radio Publication Archives'.


Dr. Joe Webb
Frank Passage
Jim Widner
Scott Brick
Kathy Hammel
Steven Hiss
Hal Skinner
Tom Brown
Thomas Harrison


 Jim Beshires
Jay Hickerson
Bob Burchett
Chuck  Schaden
Michael Muderick
B. J. George
Alan Kline
Terry Caswell
Radio Historical Assn Of Colorado

Alan Kleinberger
Bob Burnham
Ryan Ellett
Al Girard
OTR Club of Buffalo
Radio Enthusiasts Of Puget Sound
Lew Krieger
Larry Husch
Sue Sieger
Doug Hopkinson
Jack French




























































































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