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Old Time Radio Researchers Group Mission Statement  

     Thousands of Old Time Radio series and hundreds of thousands of episodes are still in existence today. Some have been preserved on the original transcription disks from the time the shows were initially broadcast, while others exist on reel-to-reel and cassettes tapes. The introduction of MP3 technology has greatly changed the hobby. Previously, shows were traded in a format such as a cassette or reel-to-reel tape for example. But thanks to MP3s, classic shows from the old time period are now widely available and easily accessible. However, this explosion in availability has brought with it problems. Many MP3 files are incorrectly named or poorly encoded. Today's technology means that these errors are widely distributed.

    The mission of the Old Time Radio Researchers Group is to accurately preserve classic old time radio series from the past in order for future generations to enjoy them.

How We Accomplish Our Mission:

  1. Once a series is selected, volunteer researchers are assigned to the project.

  2. These researchers, using both web and off-line resources, compile as much information about the series as can be located. Data includes such information as correct broadcast dates, accurate and complete episode titles (where known), series synopses, and other verified information.

  3. The group then colates the data and makes every effort to verify the accuracy and authenticity of the compiled information.

  4. Efforts are made to obtain every known episode in a series. These shows are then labeled with the correct broadcast dates and accurate and complete episode titles (where known).

  5. From the compiled data, extras are included with each series. This adds to the enjoyableness and provides additional information about the series, its stars, etc.

  6. Each series is thouroughly tested to insure they meet our accuracy, completeness and quality standards before it is made available to the public. When all the above steps have been accomplished the OTRR Group will 'certify' that series as 'Accurate', meaning that the episodes in the series are all correctly dated and titled. In addition, when all the available episodes are included in the series, then that series will receive the higher level of certification of  'Complete'.

  7. The set may then be released to the OTR community for their enjoyment. Our only stipulation is that the sets are not to be sold, and that they be passed on exactly as they were prepared.

To accomplish these goals OTRR host the following three Yahoo groups

  1. Old Time Radio Researchers Group (OTRR Group)
        The Old Time Radio Researchers Group is where most of the work is accomplished. In this group members bring together information on series, locate new series and episodes, and assign various series for people to compile.

  2. OTR-Project
        The OTR-Project serves to compile broadcast logs of individual series.  This information is used in conjunction with the OTR management tool 'OTTER'. This group is responsible for generating new series logs, adding newly discovered episode information to old series logs, and maintaining a database of all available logs. The database also is available on this website.  Series updates and new series are being added on a frequent basis. The current database contains information on over 2,260 distinct series and over 211,000 episodes. 

  3. The OTRR Distro Center
        The OTRR Distro Center, serves as our main distribution point.   From here we freely make our premier series available to all who would like to have them.

Note the OTRR Group also two additional Yahoo sub-groups.  The first is "Distro 2.  This is a distribution group established for new collectors in OTR. The second is a group of "techies" called the "Encode Group". Their expertise in encoding is heavily relied upon by the OTRR Group.  Neither group is listed on Yahoo Groups list.

If you think you'd like to become a part of this exciting hobby, we'd love to have you join any one or all three of our great groups.
