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   The OTRR Group works in close association with many noted OTR authorities and authors. Many of these people have provided us with detailed, interesting and informative articles which are posted here for the OTR fan.

Please be advised that these articles are copyrighted by the person writing them, and express permission to reprint them here has been granted to the OTRR. This permission does not extend any futher.

Jack French
OTR Library

Collection of articles by noted historian and OTR author Jack French. Articles are show specific and provide excellent background research material as well as interesting reading.

Martin Grams, Jr.
OTR Library
Martin Grams is a noted OTR researcher and has authored or co-authored over a dozen OTR books.  Here is a collection of informative articles he has written on specific OTR series.
Jim Widner
OTR Library

Jim Widner, is a collector of Old Time Radio shows for over 35 years and computer educator. He created the first domain on the Internet related to Old Time Radio in 1994.

Jim is a frequent contributor to 'The Old Radio Times', the internet's most widely distributed magazine devoted to old time radio. The Old Time Radio Researchers are proud to host many of Jim's great articles.

Donna Halper
OTR Library

Donna Halper is a respected and experienced media historian, whose research has resulted in appearances on Chronicle (WCVB, Channel 5 in Boston), Voice of AmericaPBS/NewsHour, National Public Radio/Weekend AmericaNew England Cable News, the History Channel, ABC Nightline, WBZ Radio, WNYC Radio, and several local TV stations.  She has been quoted in a number of newspapers, magazines, books and encyclopedias.  Ms. Halper is the author of three books, the most recent of which is “Invisible Stars:  A Social History of Women in American Broadcasting.”  She is working on her fourth, a history of talk shows, and just wrote a chapter for Michael Keith’s new book “Radio Cultures”-- about how radio brought women’s issues into the public sphere.

Donna is a frequent contributor to the pages of 'The Old Radio Times', and her articles are much enjoyed by our readers.

Donna's portion of the OTR Library is dedicated to the memory of her parents - Bea and Sam Halper

Ryan Ellett
OTR Library

Ryan is an up and coming Golden Age Of Radio young author, original member of the Old Time Radio Researchers Group, former editor of 'The Old Radio Times' and is still a staff member

Danny Godwin
OTR Library


Elizabeth McLeod
OTR Library


Elizabeth McLeod has collected and researched pre-1935 radio programming for more than twenty years. Her interest in OTR dates back to her teenage years, when she discovered rebroadcasts of historic shows on WMEX, Boston. Since then she's accumulated a collection of about five thousand programs, many of them unusual and rare. Her specific interests include, in addition to the very early material, the work of Fred Allen, band remotes, Vic & Sade, news material from all eras, and baseball broadcasts. Professionally, Elizabeth has more than fifteen years experience in radio journalism, and is currently staff writer for The Cybercasters, an Internet-based company specializing in on-line publicity material for the computer industry (www.cybercasters.com), and is also a contributing writer for the CBS Radio Network program "Sound*Bytes." You can contact Elizabeth with question, comments, or trade proposals by e-mail at lizmcl@midcoast.com. Elizabeth is a resident of Rockland, Maine.
History of OTR Interesting articles about the history of old time radio stations and programs.